Wpctrl95.exe issues are extremely common on many Windows computers. These problems are generally shown when you are using various Windows Programs at the same time. The error can appear at random and is actually very easy to fix if you know how.

Possible Wpctrl95.exe error messages:

  • Wpctrl95.exe Not Found
  • Windows 10 could not be installed
  • Your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart. We are just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you

Advice of protecting computer from Wpctrl95.exe problem

a.Run a daily computer scan with a trustful PC cleaner.
b.Check if your computer is infected with virus or trajon periodically.
c.Make sure that you have updated your windows.

Instructions of solving Wpctrl95.exe issues in 3 steps:

1. Download and install SmartPCFixer to resolve Wpctrl95.exe issue.


2. Click on quick scan button to start a complete system scan. You can alsocustomize the scan at this stage as per your wish.

quich scan

3. Click Fix all to remove Wpctrl95.exe error completely.

Still Cannot Fix Wpctrl95.exe Error?

If smartpcfixer cannot troubleshoot Wpctrl95.exe error for you, we highly recommend you to restore your system to a previous version. 

1. Click Start Button and type system restore in the searching box.

2. Click System Restore and then follow the steps in the wizard to choose a restore point.


Wpctrl95.exe error can never be ignored when you come across it on your PC. If Wpctrl95.exe error cannot be fixed in a effective way, you may received more severe computer problems. Therefore, for the sake of computer security and personal information, you need to get rid of Wpctrl95.exe error as soon as possible with the guide in this post. As a distinguished PC optimizer, SmartPCFixer is obviously a software specialist for people to solve Wpctrl95.exe errors.

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